DocDiff 1.6 New Features: Brandmark for CDP Communications

Announcement: STREAMdiff New Features

CDP Communications is excited to share the latest developments and new features for its state-of-the-art high-speed printstream comparison application, STREAMdiff.

“The new update of STREAMdiff provides more flexibility to deal with complex testing scenarios. An improved page synchronization logic allows STREAMdiff to handle reordered documents with added or removed pages. Feedback from our customers has been a driving force behind our updates. As the CCM industry changes, STREAMdiff continually evolves to ensure that it meets our customer’s testing needs,” says Abhay Mathur, VP of Development at CDP Communications.


STREAMdiff is a high-speed AFP, Metacode, Postscript, and PDF print data stream comparison application. In a fraction of the time that a manual approach would take, STREAMdiff performs the tedious and labor-intensive task of comparing two print data streams.

STREAMdiff inspects the visual output of two print data streams to ensure that there are no unexpected differences. This software interrogates printstream structures. It creates a detailed list of specific changes and pinpoints the exact location of items that have been altered.

STREAMdiff enables users to visually compare printstreams side-by-side. Thus, easily identifying font, image, and graphics changes with user-defined change marks like circles or arrows. It explains the cause of each difference in detail. Then it allows for easy acceptance of selected changes through a drag and drop operation.

In Summary

STREAMdiff is a high-speed print data stream comparison application that inspects visual output to pinpoint exact differences in printstream structures. This enterprise software identifies font, image, and graphics changes, and allows for easy acceptance of selected changes through drag and drop. “STREAMdiff offers precisely what the marketplace is looking for – a competitively priced, high speed printstream comparison application. With companies spending significant time and money developing print applications, there is a genuine need in the marketplace to quickly and easily compare files”, said Rick Saarimaki, President and CEO, CDP Communications.

Release Notes for New Features

  • Suppress Text Elements (SD-6)
    • The user can now suppress text items that meet a specific criterion. The suppressed items will not be part of the association or compare.
    • This feature will allow users to ignore text items created with a font height or size of zero or text items drawn with a white colour.
  • Suppress Report Summary and Report Statistics from output PDF Report (12204001)
    • The user can now optionally prevent the report statistics page and report summary page from being added to the output PDF report.
  • Comments, No-Ops, and TLEs will be associated even if the order of the elements are different (12202004)
    • This provides an easier way for the user to detect differences in the non-Visual items as they are now associated (even if the order in the data file is not the same)
  • Ignore Font in Space Character when Combining Strings (12111005, SD-57)
    • In some cases, the space character is drawn with a different font, which prevents text items from being combined. The user can optionally ignore the font for spaces when combining text.
  • Font Type Identification improvement (SD-33)
    • Font analysis will now detect if a font is embedded or referenced and will display a difference accordingly.
    • For PDF/A or PDF/UA compliance the user needs to ensure that the fonts are embedded. The application will display a difference if the font has changed to be referenced.
  • Option to Ignore Invisible Graphics when Visual Verification is enabled (2111001)
    • Graphic items marked as “Invisible” were suppressed when Visual Verification was enabled. In some cases, visible graphics were incorrectly labeled as “invisible” and the differences were ignored from the compare. The user now has the option to disable this feature.
  • OKVC can use TLEs and Special Fields as an input (SD-44)
    • When creating OKVC rules, then non-visual elements like TLEs and Special Fields can be used.

CDP Communications

CDP Communications Inc. offers software solutions that efficiently generate User Accessible documentstransform print data streams, secure print document archival and retrieval, and compare print data stream files, significantly reducing time compared to manual processes.

Since 1984, CDP has focused on creating software solutions for Independent Software Vendors, Original Equipment Manufacturers, Service Bureaus, and Developers. Over the years, CDP has continuously evolved its software and expanded its catalog to meet the growing demands for advanced printing and information solutions.

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