CDP’s data transformation architecture has evolved as a result of over 30 years of experience working with information presentation formats. Through consultation with our clients, close monitoring of market trends, and research, we have developed a technological foundation that serves as the basis for abroad range of data transformation applications.
CDP’s applications and systems use APIs to transform and render print data streams. The API is used to convert pages into an internal Print Description Language called ADEPT PDL. Features can be easily added to the ADEPT PDL to support new data streams.
Several key characteristics of our architecture have helped CDP earn a reputation as a leading supplier of data transformation technologies for the document archiving, print redistribution, and statement presentment markets. These include:
Our architecture employs a normalized intermediate data format to represent the content and presentation information that appears in a data stream. This allows us to quickly add new parsers and generators to accommodate new input and output formats.
On-Demand Conversion
The conversion process is implemented using re-entrant coding techniques, allowing for transformation and presentation of data on the fly. This capability is critical to online statement presentment systems and a feature that uniquely positions our Visual Knowledge Manager application.
Enterprise data transformation applications that facilitate real-time or high-volume batch conversion demand the fastest turnaround times. Through advanced resource caching strategies and optimized programming techniques, we have earned a reputation for unmatched performance.
Ease of integration
Our APIs adopt a common interface, ensuring that the same calls and callbacks are used throughout our programming libraries. This simplifies the integration process and significantly reduces development time.
Are you interested in learning additional information about our data transformation architecture? We invite you to contact us and arrange for a consultation with one of our system architects.